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Without You


Digital Collage

You Can't Afford to be Trashy


Digital Collage

Without You.jpg
You Can't Afford to be Trashy.jpg
You Want It, You Buy It, then it's Forgo

You Want it, You Buy it and then it's Forgotten


Digital Collage

Artist Statement 

Fascinated by objects and mass culture, my practice is grounded in an exploration of the relationship between objects and between the product and consumer. My photographs and collages depicting objects, intervene in the process of meaning-making involved in advertising. With my photography keeping three-dimensional form, my collages flatten a 3D space with the use of black outlines of interiors and elements of photorealism. My work is simply a retaliation to the issues raised by consumerism and materialism and the persuasive techniques behind advertising that encourage the behaviour and shopping habits of consumers. By deconstructing the conventions of advertising imagery and manipulating the role such imagery plays in society, my practice provides the viewer with a whole new perspective on mass-culture. The importance of consumption is increasing and it is only when we are restricted from ways of living that we begin to develop a contrasting perspective on our values of materialism and shopping. Tinged with a hint of humour as well as possessing chaotic qualities, the work hopes to encourage the viewer to question what products mean to them, whether they are a materialistic shopper or not. Furthermore, the work also hopes to present how the consumption of material things can still exist if we don’t forget about what really matters. 

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